Upd: Отключали. Помог Любопытный. Скажем спасибо!
Наш хостинг находится в Германии. PayPal, Skrill блокирует переводы.
Нам просто выключат хостинг в самое ближайшее время.
Заплатить нужно €5.99. Кто может? Разумеется, с компенсацией рублевого эквивалента внутри рублевой зоны.
You are using automatic payments via PayPal as payment method. With this payment method, you do not have to send transfers manually, but instead we charge your PayPal account when a certain amount is due.
Today, an automatic payment, which was due, has failed. This can have different reasons, maybe your credit card is not valid anymore or maybe you have invalidated your PayPal billing agreement for Contabo.
IMPORTANT: The fact that the automatic payment has failed means that your billing agreement has been invalidated now. Instead of using the automatic PayPal payments, you must send a payment of €5.99 manually.
MPORTANT: At the moment, a payment for your account is overdue. If we do not receive your payment of €5.99 today, we are forced to suspend your services temporarily - we want to avoid this at all costs. Please contact us if you have any questions, we would like to assist you in any way possible.
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